some of the country’s highest ratings of student satisfaction
and a truly unique location in Western Australia, Murdoch University
blends the relaxed, friendly culture of its home city of Perth with
flexible, award winning study programs and excellent student
Tourism and Hospitality studies A range of undergraduate,
double major, and postgraduate programs are available to tourism
students at Murdoch University.
Co-operative relationships across study areas mean that tourism
students have a great deal of flexibility in choosing
multi-disciplinary course structures which are customised to their
areas of interest and career aspirations.
With an emphasis on conceptual rigour, research skills,
communication skills and appreciation of policy and planning,
Murdoch University students graduate career-ready and equipped to
excel in their industry.
Because of its unique west coast location, Murdoch University is
surrounded by a thriving tourism industry located among a range of
spectacular natural environments. Projects and field trips play a
key role in students study programs, and reflect Murdoch’s
strong community and local industry links.
Academic Excellence Murdoch University’s Tourism school
is recognised for its commitment to excellence in teaching. All core
staff have PhD’s, providing depth of expertise across the full
spectrum of tourism disciplines.
Academic staff take pride in their constructive, communicative
relationships with students; relationships that contribute directly
to the high satisfaction rates of students and graduates.
Research and Industry Programs Tourism research at Murdoch
University is conducted primarily in the fields of Social Sciences,
Business and Environmental Science. Cutting edge programs with a
distinct local industry focus include:
• Sustainable Tourism
• Environmental and Social Impacts of Tourism
• Wildlife Tourism
• National Park Planning
• Regional Development and Tourism
• Development Studies
The Tourism school also offers unique research opportunities through
its partnerships with the Sustainable Tourism Centre Cooperative
Research Centre (STCRC), the Desert Knowledge Cooperative Research
Centre (DKCRC), and key industry bodies and government agencies.
Study Programs
Bachelor of Science in Ecotourism
Bachelor of Tourism
Bachelor of Tourism in Hospitality and Tourism Management
Bachelor or Commerce in Tourism and Hospitality Management
Graduate Diploma in Tourism (Specialisations: Indigenous
Tourism;Nature-Based Tourism; Sustainable Tourism;
Tourism Policy and Planning)
Master of Arts by Personal Program (Majoring in Indigenous
Tourism;Nature-Based Tourism;Sustainable Tourism;Tourism
Policy and Planning)
MPhil (in any of the above majors)
PhD (in any of the above majors)
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